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Chapter Vision, Mission, and Strategies

GCATD provides a lot of opportunities for experiences that will help you learn and grow. Our Professional Development Committee is focusing on events tied directly to the ATD Competency Model and will be reinforcing our newly adopted Strategic Plan including our:

Vision:  We are the recognized catalyst for creating partnerships to empower the talent development community.

Mission: GCATD is the “go to” resource for best, emerging and relevant talent development practices for connecting workplace leaders.

Critical Goals (we have 2-4 specific goals within each area below):

  • Provide Value
  • Become Recognized
  • Chapter Sustainability

Core Values:

Inspiration – motivate people to take action, build confidence and courage

Innovation – focused on best and emerging practices

Connection – we connect 1:1 and 1: many within GCATD and outside the organization

Excellence – demonstrating competence at its very best

WIIFM – our members find value in GCATD

GCATD CHiP Code: CH3044 | ©Copyright 2020 GCATD -- all rights reserved

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What is Power Membership? When you join your chapter and ATD, you choose to be knowledge leaders in the talent development profession and change makers in your own backyard. MORE

GCATD Mailing Address:
PO Box 141445, Cincinnati, 0H 45250

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