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Regional Chapter Events

  • 12 May 2021 9:43 PM
    Reply # 10475314 on 10448897

    This is a great way to share event information.  The Maryland event sounds interesting.  Thanks for sharing!

  • 06 May 2021 4:28 PM
    Reply # 10448898 on 10448897

    Inner Inspiration Week

    Monday, May 17 - Friday, May 21

    During the week of May 17, ATD Maryland will offer a full week dedicated to cultivating your inner inspiration. We’ve partnered with Maryland University of Integrative Health Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) and have some stellar speakers lined up for a fantastic week! Spend as little as 5 minutes per day (or up to an hour per day) attending live events and accessing curated resources.. 

    • Experience the liberation of approaching your work from the inside out: Practice the art of stillness; reflect on how you source your energy; unleash your creativity; lead, support, and design from the heart; and avoid burnout

    • Explore five facets of inner inspiration (mindfulness, flow, creativity, empathy and resilience) and identify concrete ways you can tap into your own inner inspiration to sharpen your professional skills

    • Engage in guided practice opportunities

    Who should attend?

    Educators, trainers, coaches, designers, strategists, leaders/managers, consultants, writers, and students of life!


    Register on this page for FREE access to the weekwhich includes a daily inspiration email full of curated resources.

  • 06 May 2021 4:28 PM
    Message # 10448897

    This is a thread for sharing events from other ATD chapters.

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