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Keynote or Speaker Recommendations

  • 30 Aug 2024 8:06 AM
    Reply # 13400787 on 13398811

    Thank you Michele.  I could picture him up on stage, but couldn't remember his name. 

  • 29 Aug 2024 7:18 AM
    Reply # 13399262 on 13398811

    For DEI, I enjoyed Eric Ellis who spoke at the HR Collaborative.

  • 28 Aug 2024 9:51 AM
    Message # 13398811

    We are very, very early on in planning for our annual pepRally event. We always kick it off with a keynote speaker that is on theme for the event.  We've been asked to have a keynote speaker that will set the tone and energy for the event.  Our theme has not been finalized yet, but will be along the lines of forward thinking, future thinking, embracing new perspectives, anticipating the "technology revolution," embracing change. If you have had any speakers you have loved, let me know.  My role in the event is Fairy Godmother.  We have a whole content planning committee and I'm sharing my knowledge and resources with them so they can run with the planning and execution as details are finalized.

    We will also do an external DEI speaker this year.  We alternate internal and external so we're getting both external best practices, but taking time to hear from our team. We have not picked a theme for the DEI speaker yet. We have done Unconscious Bias in the past, but it never hurts to revisit that. We were also just talking about neurodiversity.  If you have any DEI speakers you'd recommend, I'd love to pass those along to our planning team as well.

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