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Onboarding/New Hire Orientation

  • 19 Jan 2022 9:29 AM
    Reply # 12281073 on 12254844

    I think it was this episode that gave some great tips on how leaders can check in with their teams and build connections as well:

  • 19 Jan 2022 9:02 AM
    Reply # 12280879 on 12254844

    We have what we call a new hire mentor, but it can be somewhere between a buddy and a mentor depending on the skillset of the mentor who is with the new hire for at least the first 90 days.  We've also set up what we've called "culture connects." Just 30 minute chats with someone outside of your day to day and provide some starter questions.  We started having once a month "pep talks."  A senior leader will so a 5-10 minute state of the business then one of the business units will share what they do then there will be a fun game to end it.  We've revamped our committee work too.  We used to have a wellness committee, a morale committee, etc and participation had fizzled out.  We're trying a new plan of putting a calendar together for the year and allowing people or teams to come together on passion projects so it doesn't feel like you're committing yourself to a year long project.  You can come in for a couple weeks or a month on a topic you are really passionate about to work on a cross functional team.  Oh and early last year we included a piece in the onboarding process about how to be intentional about building connections and relationships in a remote environment.  Eventually I'll have to update that to hybrid.  We do have a training planned on that for March, but it will be something that we'll want everyone to go through as they start.  Establishing those norms is so important.  I can't tell you how many people have said they won't ping someone because they thought they were bothering them, but then I explain that's normal in our culture to ping whenever and the person will respond when they are available to respond.  So defining those norms can be so helpful.

  • 13 Jan 2022 9:48 AM
    Reply # 12259754 on 12254844

    Hi there! Yeah, for us at least, that one seems to be the nature of the beast when it comes to going from a bustling office to a bit of a ghost town. We've experienced some similar challenges where new hires here about an awesome culture but don't really see much of it when they leave the training room.

    Our recipe to combat this is one week onsite for all new hires and some simple, but intentional, choices for that week. When they are in-town, we try to make the most of that time by bringing in teammates and trainers for onsite training and meetings. During the week, we also pay particular attention to culture events instead of primarily training:

    • culture overview
    • new hire meet & greets
    • Group lunch with trainers + new hires to get to know each other
    • Incorporate meetings with all key contacts from other departments they will work with.
    • new hire celebration - zoom call for the entire company where we celebrate the new hires with an intro video, activity (trivia, guest speakers from local places, and celebrate other recent news e.g. promotions)
    • new hire graduation - round out the first week or second week with ice cream from Graeter's including the rest of the newbies and the managers or new hire mentors
    • team lunches and/or dinners

    Most of the above work well as a remote meeting.

    Sorry to say I don't have much to share on onboarding software/buddy programs.

  • 11 Jan 2022 11:03 AM
    Message # 12254844


    We are receiving feedback from onboarding surveys that employees are not feeling connected when hired regardless if they are onsite or remote. Wondering what others are doing or how have your onboarding and new hire orientations shifted?  What does onboarding (long term) and new hire orientation (one day to a week) look like for you?  Do you use an onboarding software?  If so, what is it and what are the pros/cons you have experienced?  Do you use a buddy program?  How does it work?

    If it's easier to chat, I am happy to set up a Teams call.  Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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