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Webinar: High Impact Conversations to Positively Impact Performance

  • 26 Feb 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
  • Virtual


  • FREE | Are you a member of another ATD chapter other than GCATD? Email for code.
  • FREE


Much of a leader’s work is accomplished through daily conversations with team members and others. These interactions, especially the tough ones, often involve intensely personal feelings (on both sides) that have an impact on the practical outcome of the conversation and the personal connection between the leader and the person. The leader’s ability to manage and positively leverage these conversations is a critical factor in driving positive results, lowering turnover, and engaging the workforce.

You will learn how to:

  • Apply “Interaction Skills” to provide an effective path from opening to closing a productive conversation.
  • Incorporate “Key Principles” into conversations and recognize how they will generate effective benefits.
  • Use the STAR model to provide meaningful and timely feedback as part of the conversation cycle.


David EvansDavid Evans is the Emerging Leader Program Manager for the University of Dayton Center for Leadership.

Along with his program manager role, he trains on multiple subjects, and has been a personal coach working with over 300 individuals to help them grow both professionally and personally.

Dave has worked in the corporate world for over 30 years for companies such as The Berry Company, Bell South, and AT&T Advertising Solutions in roles including leadership training, assessments, consulting, sales management, and sales.

He has consulted with British Telecom in England and Sensis Telephone Company in Australia. Dave has his BA in Marketing & Management from Anderson University and an MBA from the University of Dayton. Host: Sam Essid

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