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OD SIG July 18
The Design Thinking Approach to OD

Saleemah GreenDesign thinking takes a human-centered approach to finding creative solutions to critical organizational problems. Adopted by companies like Apple and Google, design thinking follows a four-stage framework: Define, Ideate, Develop, Implement.

Join us at our next meeting as we dive deeper into design thinking and its many benefits. Click on the link below to check out a short video to get started.

4 Stages of the Design Thinking Process: Explained

Convener: Saleemah Green

      Thursday, July 18, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

      GCATD Member - FREE | Regional ATD Chapter Member - FREE (email for promo code) | Guest - $10


      WEBINAR August 5
      Unleashing Your Professional Confidence - Overcoming Perfectionism in the Workplace

      Perfection is one of the most pervasive challenges facing leaders, with 92 percent of people struggling with some form of perfectionism and 86 percent of leaders believing it impacts their work.

      We often think achieving perfection will bring happiness and success, but this belief holds us back. In this workshop, you will learn to redirect perfectionist energy into success, understand the two types of perfectionism and their impact on leadership, and take bold steps to break free, leaving you empowered and equipped to lead with confidence. Host: Sam Essid

      In this session, you will discover:

                              • The surprising data around the impact of perfectionism in the workplace.
                              • The 2 types of perfectionism, their impact in the workplace, and what to do about it.
                              • The shifts to make in the workplace to teach leaders to lead with excellence.
                              • The tools and action plan necessary for continued success beyond the presentation.


      Vitale Buford Hardin, leading expert in Perfectionism and how it permeates corporate culture and individual performance, is the President and CEO of Vitale & Company.

      Monday, August 5, 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

      GCATD Member - FREE | Regional ATD Chapter Member - FREE (email for promo code) | Guest - $10


      Carillon Brewing Co. in Dayton, OH

      Join GCATD in Dayton for our next monthly networking event! There is free parking on site.

      Your ticket covers a free drink (beer, wine, soda) and shared appetizers. Activities will be provided to get the conversations flowing! This event is limited to 30 attendees.

      Thursday, August 8, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

      Carillon Brewing Co. | 1000 Carillon Blvd, Dayton, OH 45409

      GCATD Member - $12 | Regional ATD Chapter Member - $12 (email for promo code) | Guest - $18


      WEBINAR August 29
      Bringing It - Leveraging Energy for Unstoppable Training Engagement

      In training environments, where the level of participant energy is a critical determinant of learning effectiveness and knowledge retention, harnessing and synchronizing energy is key.

      Without a palpable sense of energy, participants are likely to leave feeling uninspired and unprepared to apply what they’ve learned. Conversely, when the energy is right, the learning environment transforms, leading to heightened engagement, deeper understanding, and a readiness to put new skills into practice. Host: Sam Essid

      Key Takeaways:

      • The Contagious Power of Energy:
      • Mastering Your Energy State:
      • Reducing Friction, Amplifying Energy:

      By the end of this talk, attendees will be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the pivotal role that energy plays in training engagement, along with a toolkit of strategies to harness this power for themselves and their participants.


      Cecilia Gorman is a Southern California-based trainer and coach who specializes in developing managers. Her signature program is Manager Boot Camp, a 4-module digital course for managers of all levels. Visit:

      Thursday, August 29, 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

      GCATD Member - FREE | Regional ATD Chapter Member - FREE (email for promo code) | Guest - $10


      More Chapter Events

      2024 GCATD Fall Conference - Oct 9

      Wednesday, October 9, 2024

      You won't want to miss BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE, another exciting day chock full of engaging talent development and training presentations. We look forward to networking with all our friends and colleagues again later this year!



      Elevate L&D Podcast - Listen to the Latest Episode!

      NEW! Competency Development with Dan Link and Matthew Thomas

      In this episode, we’ll explore competency development. What exactly are competencies, and how do they factor into individual and organizational performance? How do organizations identify which unique competencies are critical to the success of their employees and their business?

      Our host Dan Link talks with Matthew Thomas, Director of Learning and Development at Al Neyer. He will share insights about how to identify, map, and roll out competency-based development from pre-hires to leaders, as well as a deep dive into off-the-shelf competency tools to jump start implementation. MORE

      WHERE TO LISTEN to Elevate L&D:

       Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify

      Thank you to our GCATD Conference Sponsors!


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      Use our Chapter Incentive Program (CHiP) code CH3044 when you shop at the ATD Store. Even on your ATD Membership for a $30 savings when you join or renew with National ATD!

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      PO Box 141445, Cincinnati, 0H 45250

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