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I have now survived my first few regular training sessions along with one large company-wide event. In the process of prepping I have learned a lot about what is possible and a lot about what is not and what it's helpful to have a second set of hands for. If anyone is ever tasked with doing a panel discussion on Teams I'm happy to share what I learned in the process.
Hi Kristie,
The Microsoft website has lots of resources that could assist. Here's the link: There is a dropdown for Resources, then Training. My company is transitioning to Teams. I have found that options depend on what features your company is allowing.
We uses teams at MetroParks. There can be some challenges, especially if others are not using the TEAMs app. We are using it for public programming, and volunteer training. I would be happy to chat with you regarding how we manage.
My company will be disabling my zoom account at the end of the month. My first big event will be a live panel discussion with external panelists and a moderator. Has anyone ever done anything like that in Teams? If so, could you direct me to some resources so that I can feel prepared?
My typical live online trainings are me and one other facilitator with 2-15 participants. We do some combination of screen share, chat, breakouts, and annotation depending on the training. From what I've researched annotation will be the biggest capability I'll lose. Any tips from anyone who leads interactive live online training sessions using Microsoft Teams would be appreciated.
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