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Training Room Tech Setup

  • 19 Jan 2022 10:25 AM
    Reply # 12281250 on 12259763

    We are so far from this, but thinking about what makes sense for hybrid situations and you've probably captured it.  If you can get multiple camera angles and have multiple mics around the room that can be turned on/off as necessary.  Also plenty of outlets because I've seen quite a few articles that suggest it makes sense for in person attendees to stay active in the online chat in hybrid settings.  The only other tech thing I can think of is from education.  My kids teachers have a modern day overhead projector type thing that's great for demonstration.

  • 13 Jan 2022 9:55 AM
    Message # 12259763

    Good morning y'all! The organization I'm with is about to do some remodeling which will include our training room. They want to leverage this opportunity to futureproof the tech in the room. The tech needs to support in person (1-100 participants) and virtual attendees over Zoom/Teams. Today, the room uses a LogiGroup + a giant TV. The LogiGroup/TV works well for smaller sessions, but larger collaborative sessions it just doesn't cut it.

    We plan on installing some mounted cameras, ceiling speakers, getting a bigger tv, etc., but I'm not sure what we might be missing.

    Anyone out there willing to share a rundown of their training room tech setups or wish list items?

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