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AI - Are you using it?

  • 17 Aug 2023 9:40 AM
    Reply # 13242077 on 13195125
    John Carter, VP of Finance (Administrator)

    I haven't used AI although I did see an interesting video about using AI to produce a presentation:

    Thanks for contributing to the chapter's discussion board Mary!

  • 16 Aug 2023 8:35 AM
    Reply # 13241503 on 13195125

    Hi Kristie! 

    I have been playing around with AI a bit, just experimenting. At this point, I have found ChatGPT to be a helpful "digital brainstorming partner" to road test training agendas on a particular topic or brainstorm creative titles for workshops, etc. Out of curiosity, I have also dropped in an email I have written and asked for recommendations...although wasn't impressed with what it generated. On a personal note, I also tested out what it recommends for vacation destinations based on specific criteria :)

    I also paid for a few credits to Dall-E2 to see what images it may produce. Haven't been impressed with that at all to this point and haven't generated anything useful. 

    Would love to hear from others! 

  • 08 May 2023 11:49 AM
    Message # 13195125

    I was listening to the ATD podcast last week and they had a guest on talking about AI.  She was talking about different tools (Jasper, Ryter, Quillbot, etc.)  Some of it as basic like using it to check your grammar/writing structure, but then she started talking about using it to write learning objectives or storyboard.  Has anyone started to use any of the AI tools in their work?  And if so, what has that looked like?

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