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Audio (Voiceover) software

  • 19 Jul 2023 4:06 PM
    Reply # 13229938 on 13221313
    John Carter, VP of Finance (Administrator)

    Mina, you might also ask our Podcast lead, Katie Schwieter,

  • 17 Jul 2023 9:40 AM
    Reply # 13228728 on 13221313

    Hi Mina, 

    I was not at that event; however, my team uses WellSaid. In my opinion it is fantastic. 

    Hopefully this resource is helpful or helps jog yours or someone else's memory. 


  • 28 Jun 2023 4:29 PM
    Message # 13221313

    Hello. I was at a GCATD event (probably 1-2 years ago) where someone shared a really cool site where there were a bunch of different voices you could use to create your audio content. I had it saved on my computer from prior job and need it now. Does anyone recall what this is?  Thanks in advance!  

    Mina Busch

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