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GCATD Conference- Employee Learning Week Ideas Tracker

  • 14 Dec 2023 9:09 AM
    Reply # 13290920 on 13263354

    Hello everyone,

    I did want to follow up with our results from Learning Week! We had resounding success this year with our activities. Our main activities and results were:

    • Hidden "Golden Tickets" in specific e-learnings in our LMS (Ted talks). We had over 300 courses viewed by over 60 unique team members.
    • Learning Passports- we had 20 team members track their learning through the week and submit it to us stating what they gained from the experiences.
    • L&D Open House- we invited the entire company to our L&D space to participate in various activities. We had 40+ team members visit.
    • Learning Cafe- We had a book debrief in two sessions where we had over 25 team members participate! 

    In total we had over 600 learning impressions throughout the week (elearnings, instructor led course attendance, open house attendance, etc). We are thrilled with the results and are certainly happy to share our experience and our best practices/lessons learned. Feel free to reach out! Thanks for everyone following this thread. 

  • 31 Oct 2023 8:57 AM
    Reply # 13273672 on 13263354

    I would also be remiss if I didn't also mention the upcoming event sponsored by GCATD during Employee Learning Week on December 7th. 

    Last modified: 14 Dec 2023 9:04 AM | Cody Messmore
  • 24 Oct 2023 8:37 AM
    Reply # 13270847 on 13263354

    Hello everyone,

    I added in a few more ideas based on some internal discussions!

  • 13 Oct 2023 3:52 PM
    Reply # 13267059 on 13263354
    John Carter, VP of Finance (Administrator)

    I'm so excited that this discussion forum is being put to good use!!

  • 13 Oct 2023 10:34 AM
    Reply # 13266894 on 13263354

    Great list of opportunities to reinforce, support, and celebrate learning! I also like the addition of discussing volunteer opportunities as a way to build skills and experience as well. I have learned a tremendous amount from volunteering with professional associations and non-profits...and had fun while doing so. 

    Looking forward to hearing how others choose to participate in Employee Learning Week!

  • 12 Oct 2023 12:08 PM
    Reply # 13266489 on 13263354

    Thank you for contributing your ideas as well! We are looking forward to adding as much as possible! 

  • 06 Oct 2023 8:30 AM
    Reply # 13263834 on 13263354

    Wow, this is a great list.

    - Resources around owning your own development. How to find a mentor or identify your career goals/what's needed to meet those goals, etc

    - We've also done a session about the value of volunteering to round out your experience. You want to show you can lead, go take on a volunteer leadership position. Want to get into social media or data analytics, get a volunteer position. We talked through all the benefits, had a few of us with board positions talk about our experience then shared a few examples of industry specific organizations.

  • 05 Oct 2023 8:38 AM
    Message # 13263354


    At this years conference we discussed some ideas and suggestions for your organization to execute during the 2023 Employee Learning Week to potentially be recognized as ATD Champions of Learning. In the spirit of sharing and celebrating learning, I encourage you all to continue the conversation here on this thread. I will continue to post ideas that were talked about at the conference and ideas our internal team is discussing. Feel free to post your ideas as well or ask me for additional information on anything posted! Happy Learning Week!

    • Scavenger Hunt using sharepoint site or other internal webpage
    • "Golden Tickets" hidden in LMS courses for prizes
    • Learning Passport
    • Build a Learner Library where people can check out books of interest for free
    • Winning or getting managers to schedule team members for "designated learning time". (scheduled time to use for anything learning)
    • Have your own internal company virtual conference
    • Manager Circles to get together to talk about challenges they have
    • Gamify!
    • Create new microlearnings
    • Communities of Practice
    • Learning Cafe-Similar to a book club but doesn't have to be a book as the center piece
    • Showcase learning opportunities both internally and externally (utilize social media and linkedin more!)
    • Coaching Sessions offered by L&D for those interested in certain topics
    • Encourage interview/observations of other team members or departments
    • Create a team member idea board where they can submit their ideas for future learning opportunities
    • Manager Toolkits (resources for celebrating the week, resources for various topics like difficult conversations)
    • Team competitions
    • Learning and Development open house- Invite other teams to come check out your space and resources (provide snacks and giveaways to get them in the door)
    • C-suite/executives sharing testimonials on important learning milestones.
    Last modified: 24 Oct 2023 1:55 PM | Cody Messmore

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