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Business Professionalism Training

  • 09 Apr 2024 11:59 AM
    Reply # 13340865 on 13329457

    Always happy to chat through some of the work we did and to be a brainstorming partner for you on your project ahead. You know where to find me :)

  • 16 Mar 2024 10:43 AM
    Reply # 13330430 on 13329457

    Those are great topics, especially as we look at the needs of GenZ coming into the workforce. 

  • 15 Mar 2024 5:08 PM
    Reply # 13330234 on 13329457


    I like the direction you are going and appreciate hearing more about how it develops. 

    In a past organization, we had a couple different versions of a class we offered. One was a personal branding class and it was part of our leadership development program and another was a "being at your professional best" class that was a little more targeted for individual contributors on our manufacturing floor. 

    We covered some topics like the 3Cs of Credibility (Character, Connection, Competence) and went deeper into how to communicate more effectively, using non-defensive communication, importance of resilience, etc. Happy to discuss further!


  • 14 Mar 2024 10:26 AM
    Message # 13329457

    We are working on revamping our business professionalism training.  Our plan is to do a short video, have an activity the individual can do with the leader, and links to existing resources.  For example if it's on written communication there will be a brief video, they would share a draft of an email with their leader, and we'd share links to existing resources on business communication.

    - What formats are you all using for business professionalism training?

    - What topics have you found to be the most necessary or relevant?

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