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Involvement Excitment

  • 04 Apr 2024 11:04 AM
    Reply # 13338842 on 13337729

    Thanks for the ideas, Kristie!

  • 03 Apr 2024 1:00 PM
    Reply # 13338342 on 13337729

    One of our external partners made a cool gif leader board showing completions.  I'm not that talented so I stick with a more basic reporting out of completions.  I've found that reporting it at a team level can get competition going within a team.

    Tying resources back to specific needs also helps.  You said you have a need in X, have you tried out these 3 resources that would meet that need.  In the future I'm leaning towards leaders/teams showing me what they have already done before they ask to spend time or money on additional options (use what we have already offered or curated.)

    We have annual awards that tie back to our values and company strategies.  One of the criteria for those awards was to show what additional learning you have done this year.  There were many metrics involved, but we wanted to include it on the level with the other metrics that grow the business.

    With that we are also developing a Talent Scorecard that will track each teams investment to development (among other talent metrics.) Again trying to tie our resources back to the business need and outcome. 

  • 02 Apr 2024 9:59 AM
    Message # 13337729

    Hello! How do you get the teams in your office excited about learning? Are there any tools or resources that you use to drive employees to your LMS or learning activities? I am specifically looking for ideas that don't involve additional incentives as the knowledge from learning would be their main incentive. Any ideas you would like to share? Thanks!

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