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Benchmarking Outreach

  • 17 Jun 2024 7:26 AM
    Reply # 13371015 on 13370423

    We do a combination:

    - We have an internal leadership development program.  It's eight 60 - 90 minute webinars over the course of the year.  We do webinars because our team is dispersed.  It is targeted towards new and emerging leaders

    - We have an internal new leader training that we are actually talking about revamping a bit in 2025 based on our our test of a program for our general onboarding goes.

    - Every other month an internal leader connect on a hot topic targeted towards existing leaders.  These are highly interactive and built around driving connectivity and collaboration between exiting leaders to build up their support networks.

    - We will be bringing all of our people leaders together in July for a leader academy to refresh on key topics.

    - We also pull in external support when needed for specific skills.  We have an external webinar coming up on accountability. We are sending a handful of leaders through communication/pitch training.  We have two sessions coming up on Commanding the Room and Storytelling.

    If you can't tell this is one of our biggest focus areas for this year.

  • 14 Jun 2024 3:12 PM
    Message # 13370423

    Hello everyone!

    Cody here at General Electric Credit Union. We are reaching out to all of our fellow GCATD members to see if anyone would be interested in benchmarking with us about our leadership development program. We are curious on what others do to provide that training to your organizations. In house, external, etc?

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