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Carol, during our Learning Leaders SIG this morning, I showed your post to the attendees.
Here are some other answers to your question:
I hope you find this helpful.
Qualtrics can export data to run pre/post significance.
Hi Carol,
In Forms you can use a rating question. You can change the symbol to numbers (1-10) and levels (1-10). Choose your labels (such as Not at all confident to Confident) for the numbers 1 and 10. I hope this helps.
Does anyone know of a free or inexpensive assessment system? I currently use Survey Monkey, Microsoft Forms, and the quiz feature in our LMS, however, I'm looking for a tool that will reveal pre/post competency growth. Survey Monkey and Forms like to have a "correct" answer to a question rather than a "rate yourself" type of a question. How do you create your assessments? Thanks!
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