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Training Incentives

  • 15 Aug 2023 11:13 AM
    Reply # 13241087 on 13219044
    John Carter, VP of Finance (Administrator)

    Thanks for sharing this info Cody!!

  • 14 Aug 2023 11:58 AM
    Reply # 13240597 on 13219044

    We have done similar things to what Kristie put, some other things we have done:

    • Badges for completion of longer "learning journeys"
    • Certificates that are printed and signed by the CEO after completion of a set amount of e-learnings
    • Giving out gift cards to bookstores or other learning related topics (audible, webinars, etc)
    • Giving out credits to our team apparel store for completing various learning challenges
    • Submitting lists to our internal communications to highlight learners
    • We have also done hand written notes to our strongest manager supporters

    We typically try not to overcomplicate our learning incentives to have to many conditions because it causes a burden on those of us that have to determine if people earn them. Always happy to bounce ideas off of anyone to encourage the discussion!

  • 26 Jun 2023 7:16 AM
    Reply # 13219858 on 13219044

    Prior to having Responsible PTO we had a learning goal.  When you completed a certain number of hours, you earned an additional day off.  I personally wasn't a huge fan of that because I was always having to answer the question "does this count" and I think a 10 minute learning opportunity could teach you as much if not more than an hour.  It was pretty motivating though.  We saw a huge drop off in our number of recorded hours after we ended that.

    We just had a contest where each completion earned you an entry into a raffle.  The content provider was running the contest and would make fun gifs of the leaders.

    I like to send personal notes to the early adopters or top performers.  For example, we have an option for people to earn badges.  I make sure to thank those who do and explain the benefit to them/the company/their clients.  If I have the time I'll copy in their leader or send a separate note to their leader to recognize them.

    I'm also trying something new along with those badges.  In the business impacting areas I've put together slides.  For example "Our Digital Experts" that have pictures, names, titles, etc of those who have completed that badge.  That way if a business leader needs to pull that information for a presentation it's readily available.  I'm hoping it will also nudge those leaders along whose teams aren't showing up on the slides.

  • 23 Jun 2023 10:46 AM
    Message # 13219044

    I am curious what training incentives you may have in your company?

    The training I would like to incentivize is our internal elearning, Knowledge Fridays (professional development sessions), webinars, books etc.

    All of the above are self-driven.

    Thank you in advance!

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